Are Your Windows Safe? Is It Time to Replace Them?

When we ask if your windows are safe, what we mean is should they be replaced. Let’s go over some of the reasons why it might be time to replace some windows.
Cold Air
Do you feel any cold air coming through the window or around the window? That may mean that your glass is not double or triple paned, and you are losing heat through your glass. You are also letting not only cold air in but moist air. This can turn into a mold problem over time. You should have energy-efficient windows to maximize your comfort and minimize your heating bills.
Broken Glass
Do you have windows with a cracked or chipped pane of glass? These are windows that should definitely be replaced. Most modern windows have two or three panes of glass within a sealed unit. It’s not possible to replace a pane of glass without replacing the whole window. However if you have glass that is broken, it will only get worse over time. Get your windows fixed before the glass shatters and falls out of the frame.
Do your windows lock? Is the lock broken? Sometimes a lock can be fixed, but often the whole window needs to be replaced. This is a serious safety issue if someone can open your window from the outside. Let professionals make your residence or business safer by replacing broken windows with ones that lock safely.
These are some of the most common problems with windows. If you need some help with your windows, give us a call in Vancouver at (604) 349-3667. This is our business, and we can get your windows fixed up correctly which will make your place safer and warmer in the winter.
604FixDoor operates throughout the Lower Mainland in Greater Vancouver providing emergency door and window installation and repairs. We also do non-damaging boarding up of businesses for COVID-19.
If you have any questions about this article or need some help with your doors or windows, please call us at (604) 349-3667.
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